About Us

Our Goal

The purpose of Apostles of Gospel Ministries International is to evangelize unreached people with the Gospel of Christ, bringing glory to God, through the transformation of the lives and lifestyles of remote people groups.

Our aspiration is to disciple these people in the ways of the Lord, prompting them to be conformed into the very image of God, by transforming their minds and spirits.

Our Commitment is to establish churches, orphanages, medical clinics, and homes among the unreached people groups of Africa, and beyond. We endeavor to cultivate ministry partners and create opportunities for teams to accompany us on mission trips. We commit to operating this ministry with the utmost integrity and character to bring absolute Glory to our God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Aim

Our aim is to establish the work of the Kingdom of God among the indigenous natives that are spread throughout the world.  We will work toward the goal of ministering to the spirit, soul and body of each individual we encounter while spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“I the Lord have called You for a righteous purpose and in righteousness; I will take You by the hand and will keep You; I will give You for a covenant to the people, for a light to the nations, To open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and those who sit in darkness from the prison.” Isaiah 42:6

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2

Strategic Plan

To actively pursue the Church’s Kingdom Mission to carry the knowledge of the Lord’s glory to cover the earth by the leading of the Holy Spirit. We desire to reach nations relationally through individuals and networks who effectively and divinely connect to model Christ’s Church of the 1st century in this… the 21st century.

Apostle of Gospel Ministries International is working with Different Denomination in Pakistan, Church Leaders and Like Minded Brothers and Sisters Around the World are Visited AGMI office in Pakistan and Met AGMI Network in Pakistan , We are blessed with Brothers and Sisters who stand with us to Win this Nation for Christ and Stand with us to Develop Local Community.

AGMI is Networking 580 Churches in Pakistan

Presbyterian Church
Catholic Church
Church of God
And many other Ministries,

As AGMI believe in Unity, AGMI Found in 1997 From 1997 AGMI activities are below

  1. Church Planting Ministry
  2. Simple Churches
  3. Relief Ministry
  4. Free Bible Distribution
  5. Freedom Project for Slave
  6. Crusade Ministry
  7. Leaders Ship Conference Ministry
  8. Women Ministry
  9. Children Ministry
  10. Interfaith Dialogue Ministry
  11. Youth Ministry
  12. Developing Community Ministry
  13. Freedom Projects for Pakistani Christian Slaves
  14. Praise Lord Thousands are receiving Free Gift of Healing Free Gift of Salvation and Free Gift of Holy Spirit

Do you want to become our partner?